Let’s teach our younger generation
about Local History
Ask most Derbyshire folk if they studied local history at school and you will receive a negative answer. This has to change and start in the classroom so that when our children grow up with that knowledge, they may well do a better job of preserving our historic buildings and promoting our heritage and telling the story of “Derby the Crossroads of History” and Derbyshire, “Land of the Ram”.
I envisage an educational program as a five-part study project based on Derby/ Derbyshire’s History which allows students to explore our local history and famous people that have lived and visited Derby and Derbyshire. This project brings to life some of the most iconic moments of the area`s local history. Romans, Saxons, Vikings, the Battle of Derby 917, Derby Silk Mill (the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution), the Worlds’ first public park, Rolls Royce, Railways, the age of enlightenment, scientific discovery and firsts and lasts in crime and punishment. Plus, many famous residents and visitors including Jedediah Strutt, Joseph Wright, Herbert Spencer, Henry Royce, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Dickens, Mary Queen of Scots, Dr Samuel Johnson, Daniel Defoe, Charles Darwin and many others.
This interactive based project entails three classroom study sessions with two field trips, educating children on the history of their school, their town or village and the history of Derby and Derbyshire. Local history forms a key element of the history curriculum from Key Stages 1-3 and is a way of making links between the locality and national and international events.
• The First project covers Romans, Saxons & Vikings the Roman settlement at Chester Green, Saxon Derby, Viking Derby strategic headquarters of the Danelaw and the Battle of Derby in 917.
• The second project covers Medieval, Tudor, Stuart and Georgian times. Derbyshire connections with famous battles such as Hastings, Agincourt and Culloden. The Derby Ram, The wool trade, Bess of Hardwick, monasteries, Mary Queen of Scots, The Babington Plot, religious persecution, King Charles I, The Civil War, Bonnie Prince Charlie, The Industrial Revolution, Mills, mining and scientific discovery.
• The Third project covers Victorian, Edwardian & modern, crime and punishment, Railways, Queen Victoria, The Crimean War, Florence Nightingale, Rolls Royce, The First World War and The Battle of Britain.
1. The first field trip will include a visit to the Roman settlement at Little Chester. The children will dress up in replica Roman costumes interacting with an authentic Roman Soldier and learn Roman battle tactics including creating a Tortoise. Then following the River Derwent into Saxon and then Viking Derby where they will be greeted by a Saxon farmer and a Viking warrior. Re-enacting the Battle of Derby, on Derby Market Place and learning how to make a shield wall with replica Saxon and Viking helmets, shields and swords and finishing with a visit to Derby Museum.
2. To save on travel and buses this could be en-acted in the school playground or playing field and the museum visit could tag onto the Day at Derby.
3. The second field trip A DAY AT DERBY includes a visit to Derby Silk Mill, Derby Cathedral, and Lock up yard, Derby Gaol and Derby Museum. The culmination of this programme will be a university style award ceremony with the children wearing mortar boards and gowns to receive a Diploma in Local History. Plus a copy of Derby, The Crossroads of History, with the students name and school badge on the front cover. Any part of this project can be a standalone lesson, e.g. Victorian Derby, Roman Derby, Crime and punishment, etc. Derby and Derbyshire have been the poor relations for too long and it is time that the World knows of our existence. This can be best achieved by informing and educating the younger generation of our incredible City and County.
St Joseph’s RC Primary School with Richard Felix on the field trip around Derby and St Peter’s Primary School meeting a Viking Warrior
To educate and create an awareness to all children of what their local area has to offer in relation to leisure, business, and cultural, sport and career opportunities. To inspire children and make learning fun by giving them experiences of “hands on history”. By doing this we will not only educate them about their local history, but this will naturally link with our national and international history.
For more information and to discuss how we can collaborate on this remarkable project, please contact:
Telephone: 01335 360882 or
Mobile 07875 445889

What Morley Primary School Said!

Letter from Pupil